Call for Paper

Authors are invited to participate in the conference by submitting papers that present research results, projects, surveying works, and industrial experiences that describe major achievements in the following fields:


Sub Topics

Leveraging Technology and Innovation for a Sustainable Future: Addressing Global Challenges

1. Sustainable technologies in engineering and their social impacts.

2. Empowering Eco-Consciousness: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Education and Environmental Awareness.

3. Harnessing Natural Sciences and Technology: A Pathway to Understanding and Addressing Climate Change Sustainably.

4. Social innovations for sustainable development.

Technology, Sustainability, and Society: Bridging Gaps for a Resilient Future

1. Transforming Society and Industry: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Driving Technological Innovation and Sustainability.

2. Navigating the Future of Learning: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Education Tools for Sustainable Technological Integration.

3. Bridging the Gap: Engineering Sustainable Technological Solutions to Overcome the Digital Divide.

4. Balancing Innovation and Responsibility: Ethical Considerations in Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Advances in Natural Sciences.

Technology, Sustainability, and Wellbeing: Innovations for a Healthier Future

1. Holistic Health Solutions: Uniting Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences through Technology and Sustainability.

2. Empowering Public Health: The Intersection of Education, Technology, and Sustainability in Driving Health Initiatives.

3. Revolutionizing Healthcare: Exploring Technological Innovations and Their Societal Impact through a Lens of Sustainability.

4. Addressing Environmental Health Challenges: Interdisciplinary Solutions Powered by Technology and Sustainability.

Harnessing Technology and Sustainability for Resilience in a Changing World

1. Building Climate Resilience: Integrating Engineering, Natural, and Social Perspectives with Technology and Sustainability.

2. Transforming Education for a Changing World: Leveraging Technology and Sustainability to Drive Global Reforms.

3. Reducing Disaster Risks: Uniting Social and Natural Science Approaches with Technology and Sustainability.

4. Designing the Future: Engineering Adaptive Infrastructure through Technology and Sustainable Solutions.

Sustainable Smart Cities: Integrating Technology and Society for the Future

1. Shaping Sustainable Cities: Interdisciplinary Urban Planning Enhanced by Technology and Sustainability.

2. Educating for Tomorrow’s Cities: The Role of Education in Crafting Sustainable Urban Landscapes with Technology.

3. Building Smart Cities: Engineering Innovations Driven by Technology and Sustainability.

4. Navigating Urbanization: Addressing Social Challenges and Opportunities with Technology and Sustainability.

Global Education in the 21st Century: Innovations in Technology and Sustainable Learning

1. Adapting Education to a Changing World: Harnessing Technology and Sustainability to Address Global Shifts.

2. Bridging Disciplines: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Technology and Sustainability.

3. Uniting Natural and Social Sciences in Education: Leveraging Technology and Sustainability to Bridge the Divide.

4. Empowering Sustainable Development: Transforming Engineering Education through Technology and Sustainability.

Sustainable Governance in the Digital Age: Ethics, Technology, and Innovation

1. Balancing Progress and Ethics: Navigating Technological Advancements Across Disciplines with Sustainability.

2. Shaping the Future: Governance and Policy-Making in the Era of AI, Automation, and Sustainable Technology.

3. Cultivating Ethical Awareness: The Role of Education in Promoting Technology and Sustainability.

4. Integrating Social and Natural Sciences: Perspectives on Technology Governance and Sustainability.

Sustainable Energy Solutions: Integrating Technology for a Greener Future

1. Powering the Future: Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Societal Impact through Sustainability.

2. Empowering Energy Awareness: Educational Strategies Enhanced by Technology and Sustainability.

3. Overcoming Engineering Challenges: Transitioning to Green Energy with Technology and Sustainability.

4. Harnessing Natural Sciences for Sustainable Energy: Leveraging Technology for a Greener Future.